Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Fred and Sean's brief stay is over. They were far more entertaining than the Academy Awards.

Seriously, had you said that the Coens would get three gongs each, Daniel Day-Lewis would be feted with no Yanks in sight amongst the acting awards (and that Javier would get his), and that I still would be bored shitless, I'd have not believed you.

I don't know why I am ever surprised about the event. I keep thinking that it's got to be good, but it really never is. At least the awards went largely to people who deserve them.

So glad that Enchanted was nominated 3 times for song, and that they still perform all of those. And Bourne Ultimatum should have received the second most awards obviously.

I can't even sarcastically congratulate the usually "solid" Sr. Stewart; he was visible nervous, and most criminally NOT AT ALL FUNNY. When occasionally a joke didn't entirely tank, he attempted to milk it ad nauseum, and when he had nothing clever to say, he'd rouse a round of congratulatory applause for someone talented in the audience. So at least he wasn't all about crutches.

I didn't see Tilda Swinton coming btw. Anyone else call that?

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