Sunday, January 06, 2008

Movie #3571
Good Luck Chuck
Mark Helfrich, USA

One of the worst films of last year … felt dirty watching it. Constantly rooted in utterly bad taste. Dane Cook simply can’t act and doesn’t produce a single laugh the whole film. And with his kookily inconsistent leading lady, Jessica Alba, he shares the sort of chemistry you’d expect from a coupling of Gandhi and Hitler, but with less individual charisma. Worst of all is Dan Fogler, as the misogynistic best-friend, who uses terms such as “baby gravy” and “man chowder”, and at one point puts a scrubbing brush up his ass as he masturbates into a grapefruit. Make sure to stay for the credit bit where Cook indulges in foreplay by eating the ass of one of Alba’s stuffed penguin dolls. As I said … bad taste.

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